Category: Information Level – Medium

Why Cuadrilla really stopped work in Lancashire 2 months ago

Why Cuadrilla really stopped work in Lancashire 2 months ago

Two months ago we posed the question of why Cuadrilla were claiming to be voluntarily delaying their drilling at Anna’s Road Now, they had been waiting rather impatiently for nearly 2 years for the unofficial ban on fracking to be lifted. They messed up their drilling at Anna’s road and...

The Impact of Shale Gas on Energy Markets – Energy and Climate Change

The Impact of Shale Gas on Energy Markets – Energy and Climate Change

Friday saw the Parliamentary Committee on Energy and Climate Change release its report entitled The Impact of Shale Gas on Energy Markets – Energy and Climate Change Over at Fracking Digest they have done a great job at summarising the meat of the report for easier digestion. Having read the...

Francis Egan

Lies, Damned Lies and Cuadrilla’s Community Newsletter

Cuadrilla’s community newsletter banned by the Advertising Standards Authority. In July 2012 Cuadrilla and their PR agency, PPS Group, created a “community newsletter” which was posted to thousands of households in Lancashire. It contained claims about the safety of fracking which were evidently not sustainable, so local group Refracktion (

Lights Out ????

Lights Out ????

The continued unusually cold weather conditions also prompted so-called “experts” to renew their scaremongering about Britain’s gas running out. We were given two weeks of continuing cold weather before rationing was implemented. Earlier in the week OFGEM had reported that the ‘Big Six’ energy companies will make a record profit...

Community excluded in fracking risk assessment sham

Community excluded in fracking risk assessment sham

Re-published from REAF – Ribble Estuary Against Fracking We are republishing REAF’s latest news item relating to Cuadrilla’s blatant disregard for community involvement despite DECC stating that engagement with the community is an essential part of any Environmental Risk Assessment (ESA). Please share this as the drilling companies and the...

“Doubt is our product”

“Doubt is our product”

We have mentioned before that Hill and Knowlton, a PR company who worked to convince people that there was no proven link between smoking and lung cancer were hired by America’s Natural Gas Alliance. Now we read that Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Group have played a major part in creating...