Tagged: Peter Lilley

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Those 200 wells continued

At Professor Styles suggestion we decided to trace where his unambiguous claim in the Daily Telegraph of 10th August 2013 that “It is not a new technology, we have had 200 wells fracked in England and no one has even noticed.” came from. He told us he had got his...

Fracking benefit scroungers’ charter announced today

Fracking benefit scroungers’ charter announced today

The government today announced it’s subsidy package for fracking companies. The result will be huge tax cuts – from 62% to 30%, but even rabid pro-frackers like Peter Lilley admit that they are not needed! Lilley said in parliament as recently as yesterday that I was the only member of...

Bribery – a bad misjudgement by the government

Bribery – a bad misjudgement by the government

It’s fairly obvious that the proposed offer of community bribes wouldn’t be necessary if what was being proposed with fracking wasn’t a bad thing for the area. However, we think that the government may have miscalculated very badly in making it clear that they think they can buy off any...