Tagged: Employment

I don’t want to talk about it…

I don’t want to talk about it…

Continuing on from our post “There are more questions than answers” we have now had a response to the questions we asked the staff at Lexington Communications who man the “Cuadrilla Information line”. Readers may recall that we had 3 questions which their staff were struggling to answer: 1.  What...

How many jobs might fracking bring to the UK?

How many jobs might fracking bring to the UK?

At the public session of the inquiry I gave a presentation to the Inspector on what the industry’s own figures might suggest as a reasonable estimate for the number of jobs that fracking might create in the UK – direct, indirect and induced (or in layman’s terms, within the fracking...

Cut and Run Sir?

Cut and Run Sir?

A couple of days ago I posted regarding the astroturfing efforts of the industry-funded front group the North West Energy Task Force. I was particularly interested by the claim made by local farmer, John Loftus who said: Based on the jobs it has already created around my farm, shale gas...

Poor Yosser!

Poor Yosser!

Yesterday signs began appearing in Elswick much to the delight of our old friend the Reverend Roberts. He does always seem to be the first to know when local anti-fracking signs are damaged or the occasional pro-fracking signs go up doesn’t he. Hmmm – now why could that be? Anyway...