Incompetence, Stalking and Harassment

The ludicrous Backing Fracking is really plumbing new depths now.

Desperate to prove that property prices are not really suffering from the threat of fracking (they are) Backing Fracking has been stalking local residents, and when they came across a nugget of information that they thought could be used against a “Treales resident and prominent #fracking opponent” they gleefully plastered it all over Facebook and Twitter. Sadly for them it turned out to be fool’s gold.



Their supporters like Tony Raynor dutifully spread the accusation using his business, Abbey Telecom, Twitter account, although as soon as it was pointed out that this was harassment he sheepishly removed it.


How amusing then to discover that the “Treales resident and prominent #fracking opponent”, who lives at the address given on the planning application has in fact objected to it! The application was not relating to their own property but Fylde Council have to give a “marker” to identify the location of parcels of land, describing it therefore as “Land east and west of” the property in question.

The original application is 15/0367 by a company called Metacre Ltd. The owner of the property next to the plot  (the subject of Backing Fracking’s targeted harassment) objected to the original application and spoke at the FBC DMC meeting held on 2 September 2015. The objections of the parish council and several other residents did not sway the committee and planning permission was granted for houses on agricultural land outside the settlement boundary of the village.

Part of the plot (“LAND TO WEST OF”) has since been sold to a developer from Preston (Pickering Developments) who then made an application earlier this year relating to “reserved matters”. This is the application that was granted on the 9th August this year and which Backing Fracking and his acolytes have been crowing about.

It’s one thing to criticise somebody for something which they have done with which you legitimately disagree. It is quite another to post links containing their address all over social media, making accusations which you can’t sustain because you didn’t bother to check your facts. Their chief ASA agitator, Ken Wilkinson, gets very angry if I even mention the city he lives near, so it seems that they really do have a severe case of double standards here.

Revealing information in this way is probably against both Facebook and Twitter terms and conditions – it remains to be seen whether the individual concerned prefers just to laugh at Backing Fracking’s incompetence or wishes to take it further. Maybe whichever Backing Fracking shill posted this tripe should be getting his excuses ready for a visit from the boys in blue? After all stalking and harassment carry a maximum of six months’ imprisonment and/or a level 5 fine.

So, will Backing Fracking now  be big enough to offer a complete and public apology via Facebook and Twitter – let’s see shall we?

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